Saturday 9 January 2010

8/365 - A Day Among The Stars .....

Still snowed in here and like Gail, I am a day late - but for different reasons ....  Gail forgot her camera when she went to the pub - I brought the pub to my house and fell asleep - lol.
I love films.  I'm not a film buff by any means and I don't go to the cinema as often as I should but I have quite a wide variety of DVDs and videos.  So yesterday I selected a few  'rom-coms' (even though most of them had been on the TV recently and I've watched them many times) and settled down, with my knitting, to watch.  Trouble was in the early evening (well if I was really honest, late afternoon) I thought I would have a small drink to keep the spirits up .....

And a bit later I fell asleep on the settee under my cosy blanket.  So here's a staged photo ....
I have to tell you that I only had two small glasses - because as we all know alcohol and the cold do not mix - and it is so cold in my house. 
In the pile is one of my favourite films of all time - The Quiet Man with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara, who have been in many films together - oh to have red hair like her; The next fave is The Holiday because it is just soooooooo .... Mind you the Jude Law/Cameron Diaz story line is a bit too close to home - it was filmed not far from here in what was probably pretend snow - they should have waited - lol. 
My most favourite film at the moment is The Bucket List with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, which hasn't been on recently.  It's the story of two terminally ill men who meet in hospital.  Jack catches Morgan writing a list of things he would like to do before he dies and because Jack has the money to do all those things, they go off together on a series of adventures.  It's a heart-warming story which, whilst sad, is full of hope and somehow makes you feel happy for these two men.
I think we all have a Bucket List in our minds - I do at the moment - to get out of the village - lol .... but I'm working on an escape plan ....

1 comment:

It's great to see you - hope you'll come back tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that - right through to 31st December 2010 ....