Sunday 31 January 2010

31/365 - Hazardous Driving ......

I cheated a bit yesterday when I was out and about and took a few photos to see me through the week - which sounds a bit defeatist I know but I get up, go to work and stay in the building for the day, come home when it's dark; all of which gives limited photo opportunities - you get the picture - pardon the pun - lol.  You never know though - there might be the odd photo next week that wasn't taken yesterday - but sorry people, this one was .....
There is a lot being said about these things - potholes - at the moment; and where I live is no exception.  In fact, one of the reasons I was out and about yesterday was to do a sort of Conditions Survey of the village roads where I have my part time job.  All a bit of a waste of time really, I drove the sides of the triangle of the 'patch' which are main roads, although two of them are 'C' roads with the other one not even  being worth a mention - lol; and didn't bother about the criss-crossing lanes - I would have needed a new Memory Card for the camera ....
West Sussex County Council, I am sure, know what their roads are like, without me telling them - lol.
I'm lucky I suppose, but because I deal with this sort of stuff for a living, I am more aware than the average person of where the potholes and broken up roads are and what causes them.
This isn't the biggest one by far - that one had been filled in .......

1 comment:

  1. J keeps telling me to take some pictures as "bankers" but it's harder than it sounds!


It's great to see you - hope you'll come back tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that - right through to 31st December 2010 ....