Wednesday 20 January 2010

20/365 - I Am So Posh ......

Ever since the person I had the misfortune to work with threw the toys out of the play pen on 24th August, I have had the benefits of two offices to play in, with two desks, two chairs, two computers etc. etc.  I didn't do much in the second office at first - (a) because it was an absolute tip; (b) because it was depressing working away from everyone else (it's upstairs at the back of the building); but (c) it was useful as a quiet place to work when I had to concentrate.
When I got the top job on 26th November I began to make it my own.  Some furniture was moved around, the desk cleared (and cleaned - lol) and here it is - one quarter of the second office - Sue style .....

There was something hugely satisfying about emptying a three drawer metal filing cabinet and getting rid of an inordinate amount of rubbish and useless stuff from just this little corner.  Mind you - you don't need to know what the rest of the room looks like - lol.  Shame my other desk isn't quite as tidy (which I will continue to use) - to say nothing of my work place at home - you can't even see the surface of that one .....

1 comment:

It's great to see you - hope you'll come back tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that - right through to 31st December 2010 ....