Thursday 30 December 2010

Probably This Is The Last Post of 2010 ....

But then again - never say never - lol.
Things are looking up - the temperature has gone up (which is great because I can divest myself of some of the layers I've been wearing of late - I even went somewhere on Tuesday where the temperature was in double figures !!!!), all the friends and relations have been caught up with, by either personal visit, phone calls or email, I've had a nice quiet day of just dossing around - but
I am soooooooooooooo bored.  Ridiculous you might say with all the hobbies I have but right this minute I think I could quite cheerfully go back to work (well, perhaps mot right this minute because it's 6pm - but you know what I mean).
Anyways gave myself a talking to and have set up another Blog to carry on this 365 thing (carry on, as I said before - abysmal failure - lol).  Have a look here ....
Hope to see you there ....

Friday 24 December 2010

I Said To Keep Looking ....

.... because I said that Sunday's post might not be the last one on this Blog - lol.
Like most people probably, I went into Town yesterday for a couple of last minute bits.  While I was wandering around, I came across one of those shops that are only there for the Christmas season and found this ....
I love this saying - hence the reason for being on the side bar of this Blog and my other one here ...
I'm generally not a cushion person, but I thought it was really cool.  I also got a mug with the same saying for the office.
So - you never know - there might be another post - lol.
Merry Christmas to everyone ....

Sunday 19 December 2010

Failed Miserably - But Coming Back in 2011 .....

Well - the year started off with high hopes and promises and here we are - well over two months since the last post on this Blog - still I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  The '365' concept is a great idea but sadly, in my case, not sustainable - lol.
I am, though, going to do another Blog for 2011 - not necessarily a photo a day - and probably not a post a day - but more a commentary on my 'Journey' through 2011 (I do hate that word and I'm so glad that Pamela didn't complete her Journey last night on Strictly.  I do not need a woman  who's a couple of years older than me undertaking a Journey for the rest of the women out there in our 'age group' - I can travel on my own thank you very much - lol.
Anyways, I digress.  There have been comments - dare I say complaints - from certain persons in the West Midlands - about the lack of recent activity on this Blog (recent - the last time posts of any significance were in August - lol).  There has also been concern expressed by one person in the West Midlands at my lack of 'excitement' and 'joining in' with the Christmas spirit.
So - just to show that there is Christmas in a certain house in West Sussex and to set Sue's mind at rest; and also to post, what will probably the last post on this Blog (but don't take that as a foregone conclusion - lol) here are some piccies of my effort for Christmas .....
First up - the tree .....
Now in the olden days, when the kids were here, I used to have a big six footer in this corner, which would be decorayted to within an inch of its life.  Can't be doing with all that now - so picked up this little one (about two foot six high), a dinky set of lights, some Gisella Graham ornaments (not enough I was gutted to find, so I had to pad it out a bit with some small gold baubles that were in the top of the wardrobe) and two reels of Gisella Graham ribbon - forty quid the lot.  Bonus - is that I won't have to go up in the loft to put it away.  The decorations will fit nicely back in their diddy carrier bag; the tree in a bin liner; and  everything will fit nicel and tidily into a drawer under the bed.
Next - a closeup of the birds at the base of the tree ....
These are so sweet - just love them and so cheep (get it - lol) at £3.99 each .....
And here are my token Christmas decorations ....
These are my Christmas people - the grey penguin (?) with the stripey legs, the gingerbread man and the reindeer at the front were all bought this year (£18 the lot) and the rest I have collected over recent years.
So there you are - photographic proof that Christmas is in West Sussex ......