Sunday 19 December 2010

Failed Miserably - But Coming Back in 2011 .....

Well - the year started off with high hopes and promises and here we are - well over two months since the last post on this Blog - still I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  The '365' concept is a great idea but sadly, in my case, not sustainable - lol.
I am, though, going to do another Blog for 2011 - not necessarily a photo a day - and probably not a post a day - but more a commentary on my 'Journey' through 2011 (I do hate that word and I'm so glad that Pamela didn't complete her Journey last night on Strictly.  I do not need a woman  who's a couple of years older than me undertaking a Journey for the rest of the women out there in our 'age group' - I can travel on my own thank you very much - lol.
Anyways, I digress.  There have been comments - dare I say complaints - from certain persons in the West Midlands - about the lack of recent activity on this Blog (recent - the last time posts of any significance were in August - lol).  There has also been concern expressed by one person in the West Midlands at my lack of 'excitement' and 'joining in' with the Christmas spirit.
So - just to show that there is Christmas in a certain house in West Sussex and to set Sue's mind at rest; and also to post, what will probably the last post on this Blog (but don't take that as a foregone conclusion - lol) here are some piccies of my effort for Christmas .....
First up - the tree .....
Now in the olden days, when the kids were here, I used to have a big six footer in this corner, which would be decorayted to within an inch of its life.  Can't be doing with all that now - so picked up this little one (about two foot six high), a dinky set of lights, some Gisella Graham ornaments (not enough I was gutted to find, so I had to pad it out a bit with some small gold baubles that were in the top of the wardrobe) and two reels of Gisella Graham ribbon - forty quid the lot.  Bonus - is that I won't have to go up in the loft to put it away.  The decorations will fit nicely back in their diddy carrier bag; the tree in a bin liner; and  everything will fit nicel and tidily into a drawer under the bed.
Next - a closeup of the birds at the base of the tree ....
These are so sweet - just love them and so cheep (get it - lol) at £3.99 each .....
And here are my token Christmas decorations ....
These are my Christmas people - the grey penguin (?) with the stripey legs, the gingerbread man and the reindeer at the front were all bought this year (£18 the lot) and the rest I have collected over recent years.
So there you are - photographic proof that Christmas is in West Sussex ......

1 comment:

It's great to see you - hope you'll come back tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that - right through to 31st December 2010 ....