Tuesday 5 January 2010

4/365 - The Paper Fairy Didn't Come .....

Here is Day 4 - a day late - but I will explain - later .....

Well it was back to work today and this is my desk (or part of it) at work - just as I left it at 12.30pm on Christmas Eve - an absolute tip.  So despite what everyone says, there is no Paper Fairy.
For those with eagle eyes the vinegar bottle at the back (just behind the dead African Violet) is for the fish and chip suppers I have when I have to attend evening meetings.
And the reason for the late posting.  It was just a teensy weensy bit of a shock to be back at work after such a long break (even though I was beginning to get just a tad bored), that when I came home, I had to have a power nap.
After that I had to do a couple of rows of knitting to 'set the pattern' and then shock horror found that I had made a mistake four rows back.  I was not impressed because each row is 278 stitches !!!!!! So I undid five rows, did two rows and made another mistake, so undid three rows and knitted four.  All is well now - or at least it had better be, otherwise it won't be a WIP (work in progress) - it will be a WIT (work in trash). If you want to see the WIP pop over to my other Blog ....
Isn't it funny how one can digress - all this has nothing to do with the photo - lol

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It's great to see you - hope you'll come back tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that - right through to 31st December 2010 ....