Monday 1 February 2010

32/365 - Taking A Long Lunch .....

Today I did just that - and toddled off into town for some retail therapy on the bus - and here's the ticket ....
£2 for a journey that I could have walked in just over 25 minutes, or I could have driven and paid the exhorbitant car park fees - but today I thought I would do my bit for the planet.
So I got a new battery for my watch, a new chain for my favourite pendant, two tops and a long length sleeveless cardigan.
And just for Gail here is another piccie of Horsham ....
This is the town's 'centrepiece' - the Rising Universe or locally known as Shelley's Fountain.  It's supposed to go up and down by the power of water but it's broken, too expensive to fix and public opinion is divided as to whether it should be repaired or removed altogether.
Altogether quite sad, horrid posters attached to the Heras fencing, which was all wonky, not very many people about at all and a really quite grey day - but I enjoyed my shopping ....

1 comment:

It's great to see you - hope you'll come back tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that - right through to 31st December 2010 ....