Thursday 22 April 2010

112/365 - The Movers and The Shakers ....

I went to Somerset yesterday to see my mum 'cos it was her 77th Birthday - Happy Birthday Mum ....
I like going down there because it's calm and quiet and peaceful - so all batteries should be recharged.  Are they hell - I woke up this morning with a streaming cold - and one of my better ones I have to say - with all the cold pouring out of my left eye - tomorrow it will be the right ...
Anyways - there I am 145 odd miles from home with impaired vision and feeleing like the proverbial - lol.  But I am a woman and made of sterner stuff than that and off I set.
Now - I don't have a problem with the A303 - it's quite a nice road  (nice scenery and  what I call the Breakfast Farm just past Stonehenge which always make me smile  - I've never seen so many pigs in one place - lol - there must be hundreds of them).  What makes it not a nice road are the single carriagway sections, the caravans and motorhomes, the sudden drop to 30mph zones, the Stonehenge bottleneck (it never ceases to amaze me how many hundreds of people go there - every day and walk around it.  I've probably said this before - but I remember as a child you could actually sit and climb all over the stones), Winterbourne Stoke and that stupid speed camera near the bottom of a long hill a few miles west of Winterbourne Stoke where, with a car like mine, you have to going at a bit of a lick to get up the damm thing because of the lorries and the caravans - lol.
Anyways I digress - there we are zipping along the A303 (all within the national speed limit  - of course ) when at one of the highest points of Salisbury Plain, a couple of miles west of Stonehenge, there suddenly appears a Police motorcycle outrider who brings everyone to a halt.   This ever increasing line of traffic sat there for about half an hour and then this appeared ......
It was H-U-G-E and a very impressive sight to see; and yes, it did move slowly and yes, the ground was shaking.  Apparently it had come from Middle Wallop and was going all the way to RAF Yeovilton - and that's rather a long way .....
So - I may have a stinking cold, I may feel like the proverbial and I may have to go to work tonight but at least I'm home and not travelling west along the A303 .....
Every cloud and all that ....

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It's great to see you - hope you'll come back tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that - right through to 31st December 2010 ....