Wednesday 7 April 2010

97/365 - Take More Water With It ....

Am a poorly person tonight 'cos I fell over today .....
Have you ever done that?  Well, this morning I did and I felt like a right lemon - and to make matters worse, you'll never guess where I fell - out of the front door - lol.
Don't ask me how or why, one minute I was right on up there - the next I was on the floor in a very inelegant heap.
I think what happened was that I took too long a stride over the door threshold and the trainers I was wearing (it was one of those days at the office when I was there but not - so the casual approach) caught the edge of the outside doormat cum foot scraper and bang.  I went to work but as the day wore on, the pain in my foot intensified and I didn't dare take the trainer off, so I came home early, smothered all affected areas with arnica, took some painkillers and had a sleep.
These are the offending trainers ......
These were bought for the NEC trip - all nicely broken in and all that but still quite stiff around the outside.  Not a bit like my other ones which were so sloppy and comfy but  which were destroyed in the washing machine while felting knitted hats - lol.
So here I am - feeling quite poorly and sorry for myself with one bruised foot, right side, right arm and right shoulder. 
Off now for another slathering in arnica, more painkillers and bed.  Sympathy please people ......


  1. O no Sue......... so sorry to hear about your fall. If only you had had someof the 'falling down water' it may have been understandable but apparently not.
    Hope you will soon be feeling better and not too bruised.
    Sending you loads of cyber hugs and healing thoughts.
    Take care

    Anita x

  2. Awwwwww thanks - bit better today - but being very careful - lol. The one good thing was that no-one saw me .... I would have been mortified


It's great to see you - hope you'll come back tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that - right through to 31st December 2010 ....