Saturday 27 March 2010

86/365 - The Result of Shopping ....

Is this ....
I've just come back from the Hobbycrafts show at the NEC where, apart from having a fabulous time with the lovely Sue and Anita and new friend, Carol, I am all spent out - in more ways than one - lol.
My purse is empty, I am aching like I have swum the Channel and back again, I am tired - but I am happy.  You can read more about the adventure here ....
Oh yes - and I have received more complaints that I am slipping behind again - lol.  It's not really ten days since the last post because I was away for three of them - so that makes seven days behind.
I am going to try harder - promise ....

1 comment:

It's great to see you - hope you'll come back tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that - right through to 31st December 2010 ....